A downloadable game

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This is my very humble entry to Friday the 13th Ringling Game Jam.  It is also my first Jam entry into any gaming jam.  So please, be gentle with me and do not slay me... right away :-)

I have earlier published elsewhere this and that.  I have published printed products and digital ones through DriveThru, but this is my FIRST publication in Itch.io... 

This is also totally a Work in Progress. I will most definitely update this product and work it out better. But right now I will upload it a) to test how to upload things in ich.io, b) to get my game delivered to Friday the 13th Jam before the deadline closes...  c) to get something done and published,  for a change, and d) maybe to get some feedback for this, uhum, conceptual attempt to make something cool in a very limited time frame...


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Fri13thGameJAm_entry_EveryDayCanBeYourHappyFridayThe13thIfYourUnLuckyEnough_TTRPG_made_by_Krisse_Tuominen.pdf 1.4 MB

Development log


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Hello. I downloaded, printed out and read this game and I thought it was a great concept, but... I thought you spent too much time on why you were writing it for the game jam and not enough on why I should play the game and how. The first part about the game jam could be dramatically reduced or put into a note at the end.  Also I thought there was too much about how to play an RPG, and the philosophy behind this game and gaming in general, and not enough on how to play the game itself. Again, I loved the concept and want to sit down and play it, but I thought you made me work a bit to get to that point! 

Thanks for the great idea!

Thank You for your kind words, Sir Squire Waldo

I am taking your wise words gratefully as well-needed feedback. I really do not want to live in a game designer's neat little huggy kissy bubble. This really is something I want from the feedback. Lots of Thank Yous for it!

Nice that you got interested in my humble attempt to make an RPG fast and furiously and with,  not so nano but, yes so uber Lite rules. Even nicer that You uploaded it, printed it out, read it and try to make sense out of it.

 Everything You wrote, is true.  The game is pretty much a first draft of what it, is supposed to be. That's why I uploaded its status being "In development". Also mentioned on this product page that the game "is also totally a Work in Progress. I will most definitely update this product and work it out better. "

I tried so hard but simply bumped into too many problems with technical issues, panicked, and then just ran out of time. Very much a normal story for the first game jam, I reckon.  I truly feel like I could have done it better but at least ended make it on time. 

Before I got this awesome honest feedback from You, Sir,  I'd already started to further develop the game. I am currently making the second version of the game. To put some more text about how to play the game. To add some examples of how to use rules. To give some examples of how to make things happen. Adding simplistic crafting and fixing rules to the game. And also, I shall make the Small Adventure have some more flesh on its bones. I'll be drawing a simple map for it, too.

Your wise comments on the game is a great game-testing feedback I needed now. Your feedback came at the right time. You basically reassure me that I am going in the right direction on my game development route with this game. I will surely mention You on Thank You -list in the next version. 

At least if it is OK with You. I mean, You really deserve recognition for your well-made testing of my game in development. 

Totally appreciating Your Kind Words on my small game. Wishing Godspeed, Dog winds, and nice play sessions in the future! -Krisse Tuominen-

That is what a first draft is for... getting the stuff on paper so that it can be reviewed and improved. I always save my work with a date at the end: yyyymmdd. I sometimes make the mistake of going back to my first draft and looking at that compared to what I have today and I am sometimes shocked. Thanks for your great ideas.